Monday, January 6, 2014

2014, Here We Go.


Now y'all have stuck with me while I slogged through 2013. I appreciate that.
To recap in many less words, here are the 13 things I learned in 2013 (+1 more to honor the new year):

  1. I can't work a job where I don't feel like I'm making a difference.
  2. I actually like to drive long-distances.
  3. I have the best friends.
  4. I prefer being brunette.
  5. I know when giving up isn't giving up; it's knowing my limits.
  6. I learned how to say no. To myself and to other people.
  7. I'm better than bulimia.
  8. Yoga is one consistent place where I feel still for an hour.
  9. I'm never going to be able to give up chocolate. And that is okay.
  10. I need to be away/in the mountains to feel like I can think.
  11. Little kids. I love them. I want them, but I am not ready for them.
  12. I love running. I believe I can be a runner.
  13. I never want the type of wealth that let's me forgot what hard work is.
  14. I really want to live this life. Even when it gets hard.

When I started this blog last May, I admitted to having no idea what it was about. I thought about making it a yoga blog, a running blog, a fashion blog, a cooking blog (only if you count refried beans), a nannying blog, a health blog, a dating blog, and a cat blog.
So far, it's mostly a brain dump.
This year I'd like it to be some semblance of something.

So I thought about what drives me to do all of ^^^those bloggy things, and I realized all I really want is to do everything.
I know. It sounds like I'm trying to be the YOLO poster child, but it's really more of a FOMO thing. ;)
But seriously, I am afraid of missing out on what could be the best option, so I want to try everything, before I make up my mind.

But that means I am letting a fear drive me, and that's a problem. Because I have worked hard to be fearless. My fear of heights? I did yoga for balance, so that I could trust I wouldn't fall off a ladder. My crippling arachnophobia from childhood? I tried to view spiders as neighbors who were just more efficient at walking than I am.  Already this year I've already rescued two of them when they got stuck in my sink. Rescued. Spiders. #growingup.

So this year, rather than feeling endless anxiety about how many different things I can do, I want to focus on what I am doing. I want to work to make each day memorable. If I don't do anything "memorable" that day, that's okay, but I want to at least make sure I'm doing something to grow as a person. And if I didn't do either of the first two options, I will express gratitude for what did happen that day.

And I'm doing it with pictures. Clearly I write enough already. ;)

So, here goes. This has been my 2014 so far.

1.1 Masquerade Party//New Year. New Identity. Meow.
1.2 Goal-Setting for 2014//Power of Positive Thinking
1.3 First Chair at Breckinridge//Got to Wait in the Operating Booth!

1.4Thank You Crafts//Wish I Knew Calligraphy

1.5 Wedding Planning with Kelly//Brunch&Shopping&Girlie Swooning

1.6 Playing Interior Decorator//Made Myself a Reading Nook
I'm pretty pleased with this first almost-week of the new year. I feel happier, and healthier, and more productive already, though this is mostly a result of my New Years resolution to put on real pants every day. You'd be surprised how this helps your sanity when you're "funemployed" and living in your parents' basement. :)

Did you guys make any goals this year? I'll tell you about more of mine next time.

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